Suryo Negoro, Fakhrudin and , Pujiyanto and Wibawa, Mahendra (2019) PERANCANGAN VISUAL BRANDING UKM AYUNE KEDUNGKANDANG MALANG. Sarjana thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia Malang.

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Ayune is one of the small and medium enterprises in Kedungkandang the city of Malang. Ayune made aimed to help increase jobs, because of the potential criminal in the region Kedungkandang is caused by people who don't have a job. But sales Ayune are still not good, because Ayune itself does not have the good so that consumers do not know him and the product being sold does not sell well in terms of numbers. Therefore SMEs Ayune need to be made visual branding to come up with identity that makes consumers can get to know and has the attraction in the consumer. Design is using analysis SWOT to find the communication strategy and concept design of the right to highlight the power of small and medium enterprises Ayune in accordance with the aim of Ayune, and made the difference with other competitors. The analysis SWOT the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats. Media are deemed to be made is trademark, and will be applied dimedia on another, stationary, uniform, vehicle, posters, brochures, and social media like facebook and Instagram. With the design is expected to more product sold more and Ayune need more employees, so that the level of crime in the city of Malang especially Kedungkandang be reduced. Keywords: Visual Branding, UKM Ayune, Hijab, Logo, and application.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Subjects: Others
Divisions: Visual Communication Design
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username editor_perpustakaan
Date Deposited: 11 Jun 2020 04:24
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2020 08:25

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